Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Pomegranate Mystery Has Been Solved

I love pomegranate, but for years I never bought it. For the life of me, I could not figure out how to open one without making a huge mess and staining my hands and anything near me in the process. Until now. I learned a trick from a friend that will put pomegranate on your grocery list, but not under your fingernails.  Below I will show you an easy step by step way to eat this delicious fruit:
  1. When looking at your pomegranate you will notice that there are slight ridges running from top to bottom along the sides of the fruit. 

         2. Using a sharp knife, score the fruit along the ridge only cutting through the skin.

         3.  Repeat step 2 along another ridge. Your score marks should meet at the top and bottom
              of the fruit.

          4. Pry the fruit apart along the score marks. It should open pretty easily, so if it is giving you
              trouble you may just need to make the score marks a little deeper where your score marks
              meet at the top and bottom of the fruit.

Now you can eat your pomegranate mess free. Enjoy!

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