Tuesday, January 5, 2016

DIY Framed Magnetic Board

Recently, my husband and I updated our kitchen and during that process got all new stainless steel appliances.  With all the planning involved, one thing we did not account for was that we would no longer be able to display our six year old's art work on our refrigerator anymore. This made all of us sad, so naturally we started looking for a solution. It had to be really simple because we were done with DIY projects after our kitchen remodel.

One day while at a hardware store looking for air filters, I noticed that sheet metal came in 24x36 inch sheets which just so happens to be a standard frame size. It is also big enough to display more than a few pieces of our daughter's art. Perfect!

I found a frame to match our décor and since the sheet metal was the exact size of the frame there was no cutting involved. I just replaced the glass with the sheet metal and kept the cardboard and pressboard backing as support for the new magnet board.

There are so many uses for this project. It's a simple and affordable way to create a display board for home, work, and for your kids. My next project is to make one for our toddler so we can still use her alphabet magnets and other magnetic toys.


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